Friday 14 November 2014

Media Report

     My research has helped me with my pre-production because due to it I was able to tell who my target audience was and what they would like to see in my music video. My music video will be aimed at mainly girls (because 72.73% of people who answered my questionnaire were females), aged from 14 to 17 years old (100% of people who answer my questionnaire were aged between 14 to 17) and students (all of the 22 people who I got a responses from stated that they are students). It will also be aimed at people who enjoy listening to meaningful, story telling and old rock music (the highest percentage of people 54.55% who answered my questionnaire stated that rock music is their favourite genre of music) and people who have enough spare time to watch a music video instead of just listening to the audio of it (21 of 22 people who answered my questionnaire have no job and 22/22 are students therefore they have some spare time to do that. Furthermore, young people/teenagers listen to music through their head phones on buses and locations like that all the time. Even equipment like earphones are advertised for teenagers because there is a stereotype which states that teenagers listen to music all the time).
   The research has also helped me with deciding what genre of music I should do and what specific codes and conventions I should include (due to knowing that most people like rock music, I am allowed to include dark clothing, gloomy surroundings and low key and gloomy lighting and these things are some of the codes and conventions and iconography of rock music). Due to all the information provided by 22 people through filling in my questionnaire, I was able to produce a story line for a storyboard which fits my specific target audience (the story line of my music video will follow the music's lyric). That makes the production of my music video a lot easier and organised.
   My video will include a storyline which will follow the music video because most people (45.45% of people through filling in my questionnaire stated that they prefer music videos which follow the story line of the song). The main character in my music video will be a female because 16 people out of 22 who answered my questionnaire were females. Therefore, I want most of the females to be able to relate to the actress in the video and escape to their own little world. The questionnaire responses that I got illustrate that a high percentage of people also like creative music videos (27.27%). To appeal to my target audience I will try to be as creative as possible while producing my music video and I will achieve that by using interesting locations, camera angles, camera shots and creatives story line.
   After trying to film my music video I have changed my mind and instead of doing a usual type of video I've decided to create a stop motion music video. I have decided to do that to add some more creativity to my whole production. Furthermore, I thought that would add an effect to the song I'm using (Metallica- Fade To Black) because the song I'm using has a good beat to it and is quite slow.



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